
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miracle II

4 classes of Continual Assessment to mark is no news. But with my 2-week absence right before the exams make this jobscope very difficult. All the assignments will be marked by me when I return to school. And I have 3 days to complete the chasing, marking and returning with relevant feedback.

2E3, 2E4 and 3A1: one summary, one compo

2A1: two compre, one compo

All these means 3 classes x 2 assignments x 40 students and 3 assignments x 40 students

Total of 360 assignments! By God's grace I marked all on 5 - 7 Oct!!! That's a real act of grace from God! In those three days, I've also managed to set a cloze passage for EL exam and settled financial matters for NPCC events.

God's grace is sufficient for me...
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