
Saturday, June 06, 2015

Day before Flight to Italy

Never expected to bring prettier tops to Italy. I put in the effort to bring dress pants too. I realized that I really have nothing but clothes for work or clothes for home. Is this a call to start shopping? May it never be!

I also googled reviews on Ataturk, the airport in Istanbul, where I have to spend 5 hours waiting for the connecting flight to Bologna. To my horror, reviews are all about its filth, it's lack of seats and it's now serving twice the number of passengers it can handle. Mentally, I made a note not to wear the ironed dress I wanted to wear. I'll now wear the traditional costume for miners: t-shirt and jeans to brave through the transit. 

I also went to get my whitening hair dyed, my malnourished toenails painted. I should be ready to look like I respect Italian's way of dressing on the streets on my arrival at the doorstep of my family host.