I'm blamed for a near accident of my 3-year-old niece. And I'm happy about it till now. Still smiling each time I recall the incident. You can say there's a tinge of pride of seeing myself in the little one.
Seeing how some people across the road are dancing, little one pulled with all her might to lead the adult to cross the road. Her desire, most ardent one too, is to dance together with those people. No adult relented. She MADE A DASH for the road!
And for this I'm to be blamed though I was not at the scene at all. Spiritually, emotionally and physically absent.
For wanting something, I could just give up everything else to reach my objective to learn. That was me when I was young. So young that when my father threw my schoolbag out, I eloped with my schoolbag.
For such reckless love for learning, my 3-year-old niece and I are now in the same boat for our fiery reckless temper.
Somehow, I love her even more now... ke ke ke...